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Deep sea fishery information technology center.

Presided over the center of guangdong province in the south China sea deep sea fishery management and fishing engineering technology center, 20, team members by the fishery resources and fishing, communication technology and computer technology such as interdisciplinary personnel, including three, seven associate professor, Dr. 12; Focus on Marine fishery informatization technology, create based on beidou satellite information dynamic acquisition and comprehensive service system, the south China sea fisheries in the south China sea for the first time the dynamic real-time massive fishing boat production information acquisition, break through the large area synchronized investigation and evaluation of fishery resources technical bottlenecks; The first systematic investigation and evaluation of the new fishery in the south China sea was carried out, and the kite squid and tuna fishery in the deep sea were discovered. Founded the image encryption algorithm based on chaos, comprehensive Marine environment, survey of fishing port, sea and dynamic variety of data, build the beidou fishery information data center, big data service for the south China sea fishery rights. The team has won the second prize of guangdong science and technology progress award in 2016.